
A great future ahead, a great story behind it. For over 50 years, Italgel has been one of the world’s most important producers of gelatine and hydrolyzed collagen.



Like the experience of time

A great future ahead, a great story behind it. More than 50 years of commitment, intuition and goals have made Italgel one of top 10 producers of gelatine and hydrolyzed collagen in the world.

After the first productions of bovine and porcine gelatine, today, our solutions have expanded and are chosen by customers from all over the world and from different sectors: food, health and wellness, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical.

Like the tradition of a territory

We look at the world while keeping our feet on the ground, in our land: Santa Vittoria d’Alba, in the heart of Piemonte. Here we learned about the attention to quality that makes this region unique and all the productions here generated. From the choice of raw materials to the dedication on every single process, behind our great production there is an approach aimed at the search for excellence.



Like the experience of time

A great future ahead, a great story behind it. More than 50 years of commitment have made Italgel one of top 10 producers of gelatine and hydrolyzed collagen in the world. Our solutions are chosen by customers from different sectors: food, health, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical. We look at the world while keeping our feet on the ground, in our land: Santa Vittoria d’Alba. Here we learned about the attention to quality and excellence.

world map


We believe in sharing experience

world map

For us, the relationship with the customer is based on teamwork. It all starts with the understanding of the specific needs, by visiting the customer’s plants: here our products are born, which aim to turn into solutions and opportunities. This is our idea of Smart Customization: sharing a goal and the satisfaction of achieving it. A consulting relationship that we have decided to export all over the world, at customers’ side in more than 40 countries.


We believe in sharing experience

For us, the relationship with the customer is based on teamwork. It all starts with the understanding of the specific needs, by visiting the customer’s plants: here our products are born, which aim to turn into solutions and opportunities. This is our idea of Smart Customization: sharing a goal and the satisfaction of achieving it.

A consulting relationship, a partnership, an approach that we have decided to export all over the world and that has brought us among the ten most important companies in the sector. Today we are at customers’ side in more than 40 countries.


Fluidity is inherent in our essence

Fluidity is inherent in our essence. For the nature of the products, for the dynamic identity of a brand always ready to change, for the desire to respond to diff erent market needs. We are constantly evolving while maintaining the same goal: to ensure the quality of our solutions. We use only raw materials from healthy pigs and cattle and we guarantee the traceability of the entire production chain through the certifi cation of the main bodies in the sector: ISO 9001, ISO 22005, HACCP system, FSSC 22000, Halal, Kosher, Certifi cation of Suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (CoS) from the EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines).

The fluidity, therefore, makes research an essential phase of our work, from the conception to the realization of the products. We invest in the development of new solutions, rethink those currently on the market and, once again, we aim to involve customers and their visions.

But there is no innovation without sustainability. That’s why we’ve never stopped improving our plant and production processes to ensure responsible growth that’s good for our company and for the environment. To this end, we have focused on the adaptation of photovoltaic systems and the construction of optimized plants for the recovery of thermal energy produced.

Italgel has adopted various measures to reduce the environmental impact of its production processes:

• Photovoltaic plant with an installed capacity of 2 MW, with an annual electricity production exceeding 2000 MWh
• Cogeneration plant with 2.7 MW electrical power and recovery of almost all the thermal energy produced
• Recovery, where possible, of the thermal energy of the process fl uids before their release

Over the past 10 years Italgel had a reduction of about 30% in the reference energy consumption per ton of gelatine produced.


UNI EN ISO 22005:2008
Rintracciabilità interna dal ricevimento delle materie prime
al prodotto finito.


Fluidity is inherent in our essence

Fluidity is inherent in our essence. For the nature of the products, for the dynamic identity of a brand, for the desire to respond to different market needs. We are constantly evolving while maintaining the same goal: to ensure a certificated quality of our solutions, from raw materials to production chain. The fluidity makes research an essential phase of our work: we invest in the development of new solutions and rethink those currently on the market. But there is no innovation without sustainability, that’s why we’ve never stopped improving our plant and processes to ensure responsible growth that’s good for our company and for the environment.


UNI EN ISO 22005:2008
Rintracciabilità interna dal ricevimento delle materie prime
al prodotto finito.


Gelatine is a natural and healthy food, being a pure protein made from animal raw material that contain collagen and is an extremely versatile hydrocolloid, which allows to endless applications.

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Our line of instant products in a gelatine powder with an extremely fast solubility that makes it quicker and easier to process food products by saving time and ensuring accuracy during dissolution and hydration respectively.

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Collagen is the most abundant protein in the connective tissues of the human body, making up to around 30% of total protein content.

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Gelatine shape




Our offices


SS 231, n. 201
12069 Santa Vittoria d’Alba (CN) ITALY
T. (+39) 0172 478047

Our office in POLAND

ul. Makuszyńskiego 4
31-752 Kraków – Poland
T. +48 12 421 65 04
T. +48 604 901 620

Our office in JAPAN

2-28-10 Ebisu Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0013 – Japan
T. (+81) 03 444 611 58



SS 231, n. 201
12069 Santa Vittoria d’Alba (CN) ITALY
T. (+39) 0172 478047

Our office in POLAND

ul. Makuszyńskiego 4
31-752 Kraków – Poland
T. +48 12 421 65 04
T. +48 604 901 620

Our office in JAPAN

2-28-10 Ebisu Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0013 – Japan
T. (+81) 03 444 611 58